At the end of June, about $1 bil­lion in rebate checks will be mailed out from the Ohio Bureau of Work­ers Com­pen­sa­tion . The rebates were autho­rized by the BWC In May for pri­vate employ­ers and public-taxing dis­tricts that pay into the sys­tem. Approx­i­mately $2,416,440 in refund checks are com­ing to public-taxing dis­tricts in the six-county area alone.

Statewide, 3,765 pub­lic entity pol­i­cy­hold­ers will receive $112,809,760 in rebates. The major­ity of the rebates — $42,515,190 –will go to schools in the state, accord­ing to infor­ma­tion from the BCW.

In Defi­ance County, the county gov­ern­ment will receive a rebate of $88,950.

Henry County gov­ern­ment will get a $84,010 refund.

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