Pet­tisville will ded­i­cate their new 750 kW Aero­nau­tica wind tur­bine on Wednes­day at 10:30 AM. The brief 20 minute cer­e­mony will be held (weather per­mit­ting) on the park­ing lot to the west of the tur­bine.

The cer­e­mony will include com­ments from sev­eral indi­vid­u­als, pre­sen­ta­tion of a five year com­mit­ment by Sauder Wood­work­ing of Arch­bold to pur­chase Renew­able Energy Cred­its from the school, and the cer­e­mo­nial rib­bon cut­ting, fea­tur­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives of each of the schools grades. The pub­lic is invited.

The tur­bine has been in oper­a­tion since Feb­ru­ary 22-the date an orig­i­nal ded­i­ca­tion had been sched­uled but was can­celled due to weather. It has pro­duced nearly 300,000 kWh of elec­tric­ity. The tur­bine is pro­jected to pro­vide all of the elec­tric­ity needed for the 550 stu­dent PK-12 dis­trict.

In case of inclement weather the pro­gram will be held in the gymnasium.

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