They sure got the lead out! On Sun­day, The Williams County Con­ser­va­tion League fin­ished a lead recla­ma­tion project. In all, they removed over 200,000 pounds of accu­mu­lated lead from the prop­erty.

The lead came from the leagues rifle, pis­tol, skeet and trap shoot­ing ranges and had been build­ing up for over the past 63 years.

Accord­ing to a report in the Bryan Times, The League mde a profit of $5,000 by sell­ing the lead.

They needed $25,000 to kick it all off, so 25 mem­bers each con­tributed $1,000.

They say that the $5,000 profit will be put back into the prop­erty to con­struct a 25-meter pis­tol range for the county’s Sharp­shoot­ers 4-H Club and the Williams County Tar­get Busters youth pro­gram.

The Con­ser­va­tion League grounds was designed and built by the Army of Corps of Engi­neers in the mid-1950s.

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