Pit bull returned to rescue group

The dog at the cen­ter of a con­flict between a pit bull res­cue group and Ful­ton County offi­cials is over, with the dog being released to the group. The res­cue, called Pit Crew, had adopted the dog to a fam­ily in Decem­ber, but the dog bit the owner and they returned Bosco to the Pit Crew. County offi­cials wanted to locate the dog, and the exec­u­tive direc­tor, Jean Keat­ing, feared they would euth­a­nize the ani­mal, so they resisted the search. Keat­ing and two vol­un­teers are fac­ing mis­de­meanor charges for that in Ful­ton County West­ern Dis­trict Court.

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