Pleasant Lake Man Pleads Guilty To Sex Charges

A Pleas­ant Lake man pleaded guilty to felony Sex­ual Mis­con­duct with a Minor on Mon­day in Steuben Cir­cuit Court.

45-year-old Charles Grime’s agree­ment calls for a sen­tenc­ing cap of eight years with four years of pro­ba­tion. There would also be a no con­tact order on behalf of the alleged vic­tim and Grime will have to reg­is­ter as a sex offender.

Grime was arrested just over a year ago in con­nec­tion with inci­dents involv­ing a teenage girl that took place dur­ing a one year period start­ing in July of 2012. A sen­tenc­ing hear­ing was sched­uled for August 24th.

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