Police Issue Warning

With the hol­i­day sea­son halfway over, the Ohio High­way Patrol is ask­ing dri­vers to con­tinue to buckle up and refrain from dri­ving impaired. Dur­ing this year’s five-day Christ­mas Hol­i­day report­ing period of Decem­ber 24 at 12 a.m. through Decem­ber 28 at 11:59 p.m., 10 peo­ple were killed in 10 fatal crashes, with five of the fatal crashes attrib­uted to impaired dri­ving. Five peo­ple who died were not wear­ing their safety belts.

In 2013, seven peo­ple died in six crashes dur­ing the two-day Christ­mas report­ing period.

Troop­ers con­tinue to crack down on impaired dri­vers; so far this year, troop­ers have arrested over 24,500 motorists for impaired dri­ving.

The pub­lic is encour­aged to con­tinue using #677 to report dan­ger­ous or impaired dri­vers, as well as drug activity.

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