Police Want Your Help To Solve Swanton Burglary

In Ful­ton County, offi­cials are ask­ing for your help in solv­ing a bur­glary at a home near Swan­ton on road C that took place on Tues­day, March 18th.

The home­owner says some­one broke in by kick­ing in a front door.

They came home to find items were thrown around, and rooms ran­sacked. Nearly $2,000 in sil­ver dol­lars and 50-cent pieces were stolen, along with pocket watches, a jew­elry box, an antique pocket watch with gold case, a paper white 3-g kin­dle, a Masonic dia­mond ring, a Masonic watch, and a tie clasp.

If you think you have any infor­ma­tion that may be help­ful in solv­ing this case, get in touch with the Ful­ton County Crimestop­pers. Your call could earn you a cash reward of up to $1,000. Call 1–800-255‑1122.

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