Ponzi Scheme Case Settled. Huge Payback Required

The case has been set­tled… Nancy Jo Frazer and her hus­band David, along with Albert Rose­brock of Sher­wood, will have to pony up $108,000 to the state of Ohio for their involve­ment with a multi-million dol­lar inter­na­tional Ponzi scheme.

Ohio Attor­ney Gen­eral Mike DeWine on Thurs­day, said the min­istry funds were frozen when the case was filed, along with the per­sonal bank accounts of each of them. That money will now go to the Attor­ney General’s Char­i­ta­ble Law Fund to be used for char­i­ta­ble pur­poses.

The money was orig­i­nally in the hands of the three, who ran what they called a char­ity known as Frazer’s Focus Up Min­istries, Inc., which promised, accord­ing to their web­site at the time, “Your pros­per­ity is increased when you use the Jesus.“

It was almost two years ago, the min­istry was named in Ohio Depart­ment of Com­merce find­ings which indi­cated money donated to Focus Up was actu­ally pock­eted by those involved, and lit­tle, if any, went to the intended target.

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