Accord­ing to tes­ti­mony Tues­day in Put­nam County Court, the teenager who is charged with the May 9th deaths of two Ottawa broth­ers, 17 year old Blake and 14 year old Blaine Romes, lied to author­i­ties.

18 year old Michael Fay faces charges of aggra­vated mur­der, abuse of a corpse and theft.

Fay appeared Tues­day for a motions hear­ing. His attor­ney has filed a motion to sup­press state­ments Fay made to offi­cers on May 9 at the Colum­bus Police Depart­ment and on May 10 at the Put­nam County Sheriff’s Office.

Accord­ing to Put­nam County pros­e­cu­tors, Fay pro­vided con­flict­ing ver­sions of events.

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