Defi­ance City Coun­cil, at their meet­ing on Tues­day night, approved an addi­tional con­tract for an east­side project which will also make drainage improve­ments related to the city’s long-term sewer con­trol plan.

Accord­ing to the ordi­nance approved Tues­day, the city will con­tract with the engi­neer­ing firm Burgess and Niple, Inc. at a cost of $49,480 to design storm drainage improve­ments. The ordi­nance notes that the planned improve­ments will divert large quan­ti­ties of storm water from com­bined sew­ers and, thereby, reduce fre­quency and mag­ni­tude of com­bined sewer over­flow dis­charges into nearby water­ways.

The city has been work­ing with EPA in recent years to find ways to reduce the cost of the 20-year pro­gram to elim­i­nate com­bined sewer over­flow dis­charges into local rivers and streams.

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