Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter is set to hold their 2nd annual ben­e­fit and gift shop open house a week after Thanks­giv­ing at their Stryker build­ing.

Since last year’s ben­e­fit proved so pop­u­lar, they are once again plan­ning to hold a din­ner in the cafe­te­ria. This year’s menu will include spaghetti, bread­sticks, salad, apple crisp and a drink for a free will dona­tion. Take out will be avail­able.

The event is slated for Thurs­day, Decem­ber 5 from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Along with the meal, there will also be an open house of the Car­riage House Gift Shop behind the build­ing. There will be plenty of baked goods and gift items such as unique signs, log cab­ins, stuffed ani­mals, and more.

Pro­ceeds from the ben­e­fit are to be used for Quadco par­tic­i­pants who need help with field trip entrance fees, meals and other activities.

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