The Gov­er­nor announced Tues­day that he has autho­rized the use of State Dis­as­ter Relief funds to assist Cloverdale in Put­nam County con­tinue to recover from the severe storms and tor­na­does on Nov. 17.

The State Dis­as­ter Relief Pro­gram is an autho­rized reim­burse­ment pro­gram intended to pro­vide assis­tance to local gov­ern­ments and eli­gi­ble pri­vate non-profit orga­ni­za­tions for costs asso­ci­ated with debris removal, emer­gency pro­tec­tive mea­sures and per­ma­nent work. The Ohio Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency con­tin­ues to work with local com­mu­ni­ties in affected areas to deter­mine the impact of the severe storms and tor­na­does.

At its peak, the Novem­ber 17th storm packed winds reach­ing 40–50 mph, with some wind reports indi­cat­ing gusts of 75–80 mph. Wind dam­age to build­ings, trees and power lines were severe across a wide area.

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