Quadco To Sell Off Subways

The future of pro­grams often referred to as shel­tered work­shops was dis­cussed by the mem­bers of the Quadco Admin­is­tra­tive and Non-Profit Boards at their reg­u­lar meet­ing on Tues­day.

Board mem­bers dis­cussed a news story about a plan in New York to phase out shel­tered work­shops in that state in the next five years.

Report­edly, sev­eral other states on the east and west coast have taken sim­i­lar actions. Ohio though, has not set a for­mal dead­line at this point, but infor­mal indi­ca­tors give the impres­sion they are on a sim­i­lar timetable.

Locally, Quadco has reduced per­son­nel expenses, has increased the amount of pro­duc­tion work, and has been con­trol­ling expenses. Quadco has been cut­ting back on pro­grams where there are small num­bers of peo­ple and the cen­ter does not receive enough fund­ing to cover the expenses of oper­at­ing the pro­grams.

The oper­a­tion of the Sub­way restau­rants has turned out to be one of those areas.

Quadco has con­tacted local Sub­way offi­cials to let them know they will be offer­ing the stores for sale.

The peo­ple involved in the train­ing pro­gram there will tran­si­tion into other pro­gram­ming to meet their needs.

The next meet­ing of the Quadco board is sched­uled for Sep­tem­ber 23 in the con­fer­ence room at the Stryker building.

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