Quadco’s Financial Picture Is Brightening

The future is look­ing a bit brighter for Quadco…

Improv­ing finan­cial con­di­tions are con­tin­u­ing accord­ing to Quadco lead­ers.

At the reg­u­lar monthly meet­ing of the Quadco Admin­is­tra­tive and Non-Profit Boards on Tues­day, board mem­bers were shown fig­ures that show a growth in their finances, just as they had in the pre­vi­ous month.

There has been a surge in the sales of card­board pal­lets made by peo­ple at the cen­ter, along with an increased inter­est in card­board pal­lets in gen­eral. Quadco now feels that more com­pa­nies will want to use them since they are clean and eas­ily recy­cled.

The cen­ter cur­rently makes 63 dif­fer­ent sizes of card­board pal­lets and will soon be adding 61 addi­tional sizes to meet the demands of buy­ers, vir­tu­ally dou­bling the sizes they can build.

The next meet­ing of the board will be on Nov. 25 in the Stryker main con­fer­ence room.

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