Road Proposal Eyed In Williams County

Williams County Com­mis­sioner Brian Davis, accord­ing to a con­ver­sa­tion with the Bryan Times, was in Colum­bus on Jan. 23rd to attend a Trans­porta­tion Review Advi­sory Coun­cil meet­ing.

That’s when Com­mis­sioner Davis found out the Ohio Turn­pike and Infra­struc­ture Com­mis­sion set up a $5 mil­lion, 5-year mit­i­ga­tion pro­gram to help enti­ties within a mile of the Turn­pike solve prob­lems cre­ated by the Turn­pike, like build­ing sound bar­ri­ers.

On Mon­day, Davis said a million-dollar pro­posal to widen Ohio 15 from two lanes to four, from Hol­i­day City’s Turn­pike Exit 13 north to Traxler Drive, also known as County Road N-65 would be a prob­lem due to lots of trucks.

Now, the plan is to see if OTIC will dou­ble the width of the road and if ODOT will add accel­er­a­tion and turn lanes for the trucks at the Menards Dis­tri­b­u­tion Cen­ter.

He esti­mates the project would cost $1 Mil­lion or less and it would bring jobs to Williams County.

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