Henry County is mak­ing a big invest­ment in it’s roads.

The County plans to spend over one and a half mil­lion dol­lars in road­way and cul­vert improve­ments this year.

Henry County Offi­cials expect approx­i­mately 4.8 miles of road­way to be resur­faced dur­ing four paving projects sched­uled this year.

Henry County Road L, between Henry County roads 19 and 17D, near Florida, will be resur­faced and widened to 18 feet.

Resur­fac­ing will also take place on Henry County Road S, between Henry County roads 6C and 4A; and on Henry County Road T, between Henry County roads 10 and 9. A full depth recla­ma­tion project is sched­uled to occur on Henry County Road W, between Henry County Road 24 and Ohio 66.

Esti­mated cost for the resur­fac­ing comes in at about $800,000.

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