Sauder Opens Doors To Williams County

On Sat­ur­day, June 27, all res­i­dents of Williams County will receive free admis­sion to the his­toric Sauder Vil­lage as part of Williams County Com­mu­nity Appre­ci­a­tion Day. Free admis­sion is being offered to all Williams County res­i­dents as a way to say thank you for their sup­port. On Williams County Day guests also can visit with cos­tumed guides in his­toric homes, farms and gar­dens, and com­mu­nity shops. Guests may enjoy watch­ing the many crafts­men at work in the vil­lage includ­ing the glass­blower, pot­ter, black­smith, weaver, spin­ner and many oth­ers. Sauder Vil­lage is Ohio’s largest liv­ing his­tory des­ti­na­tion. Each year Sauder Vil­lage wel­comes nearly 100,000 guests with even more peo­ple din­ing at the Barn Restau­rant, stay­ing at the Inn and Camp­ground or brows­ing the many retail shops. Other upcom­ing Sauder Vil­lage events include the Old Fash­ioned 4th of July cel­e­bra­tion on July 4 and 5, the Fid­dle Con­test and Sum­mer on the Farm on July 11, Explore the Crafts on July 18 and a Vin­tage Base­ball Tour­na­ment on July 25. To receive free admis­sion on Sat­ur­day, Williams County res­i­dents should be pre­pared to present a dri­vers license or other form of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion to ver­ify county res­i­dency.

For more details about Williams County Com­mu­nity Appre­ci­a­tion Day or other events planned at Sauder Vil­lage, call 800–590-9755, or visit

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