Defi­ance County com­mis­sion­ers on Mon­day, talked about team­ing with local firms to cre­ate a well­ness site in Defi­ance.

Accord­ing to The Crescent-News, the county and three pri­vate local com­pa­nies are eying the pro­posal while a fourth firm is also con­sid­er­ing join­ing.

Together, they would all share costs of a three-year con­tract with Acti­vate Health­care to estab­lish a well­ness site in Defi­ance for the par­tic­i­pat­ing firms’ employ­ees and fam­i­lies.

If it comes about, the plan would involve close to 500 peo­ple who work for the county, includ­ing employ­ees and their fam­i­lies. If all five groups come together as they are dis­cussing, the plan would cover around 1,900 peo­ple locally.

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