One local school offi­cial has changed his view toward the issue of new schools.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, Tim Conover not only voted against the Bryan City Schools bond issue requests for a new ele­men­tary school, he was quite vocal about his oppo­si­tion to it.

But he’s revers­ing his vote for the upcom­ing Nov. 5 issue, this time to build a new grade six-12 build­ing and ren­o­vate the mid­dle school for grades pre-K to 5.

In addi­tion to sup­port­ing the cur­rent plan, Conover says he’ll put his voice behind the mea­sure as a mem­ber of the Yes For Bryan Schools Com­mit­tee.

Total cost of the cur­rent facil­i­ties plan is $57.4 mil­lion. In addi­tion to the money raised by the bond issue, the state is kick­ing in $18.9 mil­lion and the school dis­trict is pro­vid­ing another $5.75 mil­lion from its bond retire­ment fund.

Conover told the paper that the district’s build­ing plan is not about “air con­di­tion­ers and pretty schools,”… it’s about meet­ing the stu­dents’ edu­ca­tional needs.

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