The same truck and the same man was involved in two sep­a­rate crashes on the same high­way Wednes­day.

Ohio High­way Patrol troop­ers say the first crash occurred around 9 a.m. yes­ter­day on U.S. 24, near Jew­ell Road in Defi­ance County when a vehi­cle dri­ven by 30 year old Nathan Garza ran into the rear of a grain wagon being hauled by a pickup truck dri­ven by 75 year old Don Meyer . Garza’s vehi­cle then slid and flipped over in the median.

Troop­ers say Garza was using a cell phone at the time of the crash and he was cited for that.

The sec­ond crash hap­pened just after 1pm yes­ter­day, also on U.S. 24, between Domersville Road and Ohio 66, when a semi dri­ven by 52 year old Adrian Chism ran into the rear of a grain wagon hauled by 48 year old James Meyer.

Accord­ing to troop­ers, Don Meyer, the man involved in the ear­lier crash, was a pas­sen­ger in the pickup truck, which was being dri­ven by his son, James. Troop­ers also said the same pickup was involved in both crashes.

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