Sev­eral Cub Scout packs and troops will be in area gro­cery stores this com­ing week­end ask­ing for dona­tions of food to local food pantries.

Chief Super­mar­kets in Defi­ance and Wauseon will have grab bags avail­able for $5 which will con­tain a tube of tooth­paste, a bot­tle of sham­poo, a can of soup, two cans of veg­eta­bles and either a con­tainer of spaghetti or a con­tainer of pasta sauce. Dona­tions of food or toi­letries will be accepted at Chief Super­mar­kets.

Food dri­ves will also be held at Kaisers in Edon, and in Edger­ton. Grab bags will also be for sale at each of those locations.

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