West Unity Chamber Gifts Fire Company

At their meet­ing last evening, Assis­tant Fire Chief Jim Eisel told the Board of the West Unity Area Cham­ber of Com­merce the depart­ment is in need of $438 to pur­chase a radio head­set which would be used by the fire­fight­ers oper­at­ing the pumper dur­ing emer­gency calls.

The depart­ment already has pur­chased one head­set, with the money com­ing from the department’s pan­cake break­fast fundraiser.

The Cham­ber board, after a brief dis­cus­sion, voted to donate half the cost„„ or about $219, to the fire depart­ment.

Also at last night’s Cham­ber meet­ing…

• The Santa Com­mit­tee pro­vided an update detail­ing upcom­ing Santa parade and visit set for Dec. 6.

• The board insur­ance plan was updated; the by-laws were reviewed; and the 2015 sched­ule was approved.

• The board accepted with regret the res­ig­na­tion of sec­re­tary Katie Bal­tosser, effec­tive Dec. 31.

The elec­tion of 2015 offi­cers was held last night too. The board’s next meet­ing is set for Jan. 5, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Library Con­fer­ence Room.

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