Speed Cameras Under Scrutiny

Some sur­veil­lance cam­eras in the state are under scrutiny.

A few more speed­ing cam­eras have gone dark in Ohio, after the lat­est in a string of court rul­ings against auto­mated traf­fic enforce­ment.

In But­ler County last week, a judge ordered one vil­lage to pull the plug on enforce­ment cam­eras, say­ing motorists’ due process rights were being vio­lated.

Another judge called the cam­eras a scam. Appel­late rul­ings have gone against cam­eras in Toledo and Cleve­land.

The Ohio Supreme Court upheld traf­fic cam­eras in a 2008 Akron case. Camera-using cities are look­ing to the high court for a rul­ing in the Toledo case to turn the recent tide back.

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