A man who police say stole three vehi­cles Tues­day, and then lead offi­cers on a wild chase through four coun­ties is now behind bars.

The LaGrange County Sheriff’s Depart­ment says it started when they got a call from a man who told offi­cers he left his com­pany truck run­ning and unlocked in the dri­ve­way, and it was stolen.

Min­utes later, a deputy spot­ted a vehi­cle match­ing the descrip­tion and took chase. A deputy’s car was hit by the sus­pect. Offi­cers ended up los­ing sight of the truck in Steuben County.

A short time later, Steuben County deputies spot­ted the truck and started a sec­ond pur­suit, but lost sight of the truck again.

That truck was recov­ered in Angola, where another vehi­cle was reported stolen. That vehi­cle was later found in rural Steuben County, where a Volvo had been stolen.

34-year-old Bruce Shee­han was finally caught fol­low­ing a foot pur­suit in DeKalb County.

Shee­han was locked up in the DeKalb County Jail on charges includ­ing Resist­ing Law Enforce­ment and Receiv­ing Stolen Auto Parts. Police say he is a habit­ual traf­fic vio­la­tor who had mul­ti­ple war­rants for his arrest in sev­eral area counties.

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