Suit Dropped In Defiance

A Defi­ance busi­ness has dropped a law­suit it had filed against Defi­ance City Hall over annex­a­tion pol­icy after reach­ing an agree­ment with the city.

Styke­main Enter­prises filed the suit last month, in which the busi­ness requested a pre­lim­i­nary injunc­tion to keep the city from shut­ting off water ser­vice and a dec­la­ra­tion that the busi­ness is not required to annex into Defi­ance.

Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, the issue came about after the city’s attempts at annex­a­tions of prop­er­ties which receive munic­i­pal water and are con­tigu­ous to the city lim­its. City offi­cials gave affected prop­erty own­ers until a cer­tain date to begin annex­a­tion pro­ce­dures or have their water shut off.

Styke­main, which had declined to pro­ceed with annex­a­tion pro­ceed­ings as requested, had received a notice from the city stat­ing that the busi­ness’ water ser­vice would be shut off on Feb. 13. On Feb. 12, Styke­main filed its suit in com­mon pleas court, and the shut-off was put on hold.

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