Meth Bust

Offi­cers with the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office arrested four peo­ple on drug-related charges Fri­day night after serv­ing a search war­rant at a Fre­mont home just before mid­night.

Dur­ing the search, offi­cers found an active meth lab, along with items used to make meth, along with pot and meth inside the home.

Arrested were 34 year old Ash­ley J Han­char of Fre­mont; 31 year old Cory Sali­nas of Angola; 52 year old Sheryl Rakestraw of Fre­mont; and 58 year old Samuel Guthrie of Fre­mont.

Assist­ing the Steuben County Sheriff’s Depart­ment in the raid and arrests, was the Indi­ana State Police Meth Sup­pres­sion Team, Indi­ana State Police, Fre­mont Police Depart­ment, Indi­ana Con­ser­va­tion Offi­cer, Michi­gan State Police, Fre­mont Fire, and the Steuben County Health Department.

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