Tax pre­par­ers and farm­ers who file their own farm tax returns can par­tic­i­pate in Ohio State Uni­ver­sity Extension’s agri­cul­ture and nat­ural resource tax issues work­shop on Dec. 19 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

The day-long webinar-based work­shop fea­tures pro­fes­sor Phil Har­ris of the Uni­ver­sity of Wis­con­sin, a lead­ing expert in farm and nat­ural resource tax law. Har­ris will address issues spe­cific to farm tax returns and will be avail­able for a live question-and-answer ses­sion dur­ing the work­shop.

Atten­dees can view the webi­nar from home or office or come to the Put­nam County Exten­sion Office. Host loca­tions will pro­vide refresh­ments, lunch and an Ag Issues Tax Man­ual. You should bring a com­puter if pos­si­ble.

Offi­cials can­not guar­an­tee deliv­ery of the Ag Issues Tax Man­ual unless par­tic­i­pants reg­is­ter by the dead­line, which is today.

The cost for this one-day pro­gram is $125 and indi­vid­u­als can reg­is­ter at

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