Deputies in Steuben County have arrested two teenagers they say broke into vehi­cles.

19 year old Chris­t­ian Gar­cia and a 17-year-old boy report­edly admit­ted to the thefts from unlocked vehi­cles in the Lake James area.

Juve­nile charges were filed against the 17-year-old. Gar­cia faces a felony count of theft and mis­de­meanor charges of mar­i­juana pos­ses­sion, pos­ses­sion of drug para­pher­na­lia and ille­gal pos­ses­sion of alco­hol. He was taken to the Steuben County Jail.

Any­one miss­ing items from their vehi­cle since the week­end should call the Steuben County Sheriff’s Depart­ment at 668‑1000, ext. 5000.

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