The Williams County Sheriff’s Office reports the arrest of a Bay­town, Texas man in con­nec­tion with a string of bur­glar­ies in Pulaski [pull-a SKY] Town­ship.

22 year old Travis L. Hicks hasn’t been liv­ing in the area all that long, accord­ing to Steve Towns.

The sher­iff told the Bryan Times that Hicks came here to live with a friend, Tommy Eugene Yates, and basi­cally started rip­ping off Yates’ neigh­bors.

Three bur­glar­ies were reported in the area within just the last two weeks alone accord­ing to the sher­iff.

Many of the stolen items were found on Yates’ Pulaski Town­ship prop­erty last Sun­day.

Mean­while, Yates is on pro­ba­tion through the Williams County Adult pro­ba­tion parole office, so it was reala­tively easy to get a search war­rant for his place.

That’s where a lot of the miss­ing items were found.

The sher­iff says there will def­i­nitely be more charges brought against more peo­ple as the inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues.

Hicks is cur­rently being held in the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio.

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