The National Weather Ser­vice in north­ern Indi­ana has con­firmed three tor­na­does in Henry County from last week’s storm.

The first tor­nado was con­firmed one mile north of Ham­ler where a barn was destroyed. The tor­nado, at 11:59 p.m. Wednes­day, was rated an EF-0 with an esti­mated wind speed of 85 mph.

An EF-1 tor­nado on Thurs­day at 12:02 a.m. was con­firmed 2.3 miles south­east of Mal­inta with esti­mated wind speed of 95 mph. It touched down on the south side of Road J, between roads 7 and 8, where a barn was destroyed. Other dam­age included a beam from the barn that stuck a nearby home.

A third tor­nado was con­firmed at 12:03 a.m. With esti­mated wind speed of 80 mph, 2.7 miles south­east of Mal­inta and was rated an EF-0.

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