Two arrested for break in

Two men, one from Water­loo and one from Angola, were arrested after a home in Auburn was bro­ken into and robbed while the home own­ers were held at gunpoint.
Indi­ana State Police say the break in hap­pened between 5:00am and 5:30am Sat­ur­day in the 800 block of Hazel Street.
21 year old Austin Cole­man of Water­loo and 20 year old Thomas Crago of Angola are accused of forc­ing their way into the home with a gun.
One of the men allegedly held the occu­pants in the liv­ing room at gun­point while the other went through the home.
The sus­pects left the res­i­dence with the owner’s firearm, an undis­closed amount of cash and other valu­ables. None of the home’s occu­pants were injured. The men were arrested after a vehi­cle crash near Corunna. Items that were stolen from the res­i­dence were found in the car.
Cole­man and Crago are both fac­ing felony charges of Bur­glary, Rob­bery, Crim­i­nal Con­fine­ment and Theft.

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