UAW Agrees To Terms

Mem­bers of the United Auto Work­ers (UAW) Local 211 voted to pass the ten­ta­tive agree­ment between the UAW and Gen­eral Motors on Tues­day. A rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the UAW said the vote went well and was wrapped up by 10:30 p.m. Nation­ally, Gen­eral Motors and the UAW reached the ten­ta­tive agree­ment on Oct. 25. Union mem­bers across the coun­try began vot­ing on the new four-year con­tract on Fri­day. If rat­i­fied, the agree­ment would cover approx­i­mately 52,600 GM employ­ees in the United States who are rep­re­sented by the UAW, accord­ing to the labor orga­ni­za­tion, and would pro­vide work­ers with an $8,000 sign­ing bonus for tra­di­tional and in-progression team mem­bers and a $2,000 sign­ing bonus for tem­po­rary employ­ees, as well as a raise. Entry level pro­duc­tion work­ers, who are cur­rently paid between $15.78-$19.28 an hour, will be paid between $17-$22.50 an hour, even­tu­ally earn­ing about $29 per hour. Mean­while, those employ­ees who were hired before 2007 will receive 3 per­cent raises for the first and third con­tract years and a 4 per­cent lump sum bonus in the sec­ond and fourth years. There also will be an annual lump sum per­for­mance bonus of $1,000 to eli­gi­ble employ­ees and annual qual­ity bonuses of $500 to eli­gi­ble employ­ees when annual qual­ity tar­gets are met.

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