Vets Workshop Planned

Ohio Trea­surer Josh Man­del is part­ner­ing with Defi­ance, Ful­ton, Henry and Williams County Vet­eran Ser­vice Offices to pro­vide a finan­cial work­shop for Vet­er­ans. The Smart Money Choices Work­shop will be held Mon­day May 19 from 2:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. at Ridgeville Cor­ners Amer­i­can Legion Hall.

The Vet­er­ans Smart Money Choices Work­shop includes free courses and infor­ma­tion on:

Local Ben­e­fits for Vet­er­ans; Finan­cial Assis­tance for Vet­er­ans; Bud­get­ing; Credit & Debt Man­age­ment; Invest­ments; Iden­tity Theft & Fraud Pre­ven­tion; • Retire­ment & Estate Plan­ning; and Social Secu­rity.

The work­shop is free to all vet­er­ans and ser­vice mem­bers and their fam­i­lies.

To Reg­is­ter call the Ohio Treasurer’s office: (614) 728‑7738 or eMail your name and phone num­ber to:

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