Voters to decide fate of senior center in Henry County

Are tax­pay­ers in Henry County ready to go out of pocket for a new senior cen­ter facil­ity? A 1.1 mil, five year levy would bring in just over 800 tho­suand dol­lars, that money to be used as part of what’s needed to con­vert the site of the CD Brill­hart Elemt­nary School in Napoleon into a place for seniors. It will be decided on by vot­ers in Henry County this Novem­ber. The Cres­cent News reports for the owner of a home val­ued at $100,000, the levy would cost approx­i­mately 11 cents per day.

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NSCC to receive funding for security projects.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced Monday that 28 colleges and universities in Ohio will receive …