Res­i­dents are being reminded not to for­get their four legged friends in this bit­ter cold.

With the tem­per­a­tures out­side dip­ping well below freez­ing, peo­ple need to make sure their pets are warm and safe.

Out­door pets should also be checked to ensure they have ade­quate shel­ter, food and water.

If you have dogs out­side, you should bring them in accord­ing to area vet­er­a­nari­ans. A heated home or garage is nec­es­sary to make sure that they are safe from the sub-zero tem­per­a­tures.

Offi­cials remind you though, that if dogs are brought into heated garages, you need to make sure antifreeze and other coolants are off the garage floor. Since antifreeze has a sweet taste, it may attract ani­mals. It’s also highly toxic and will kill them if they drink it.

Pet own­ers who take their ani­mals on walks should also be aware that salt and other chem­i­cals used to melt snow may be harm­ful to a pet’s paws. It’s best to wipe paws with a damp towel after return­ing home for a walk.

And if you haven’t done so already, now may be the time to put a sweater or jacket on your dog, espe­cially if he or she is a small dog and more susep­ti­ble to the cold.

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