Wauseon schools to save big bucks in debt refinance

They’re appar­ently good with num­bers in the Wauseon school dis­trict. After decid­ing to refi­nance the school’s debt, the dis­trict will save about $45,000 a year on inter­est. David Tiggett of Fifth Third Secu­ri­ties told school lead­ers on Mon­day that sav­ings is nearly triple the indus­try stan­dard. It’s an 8.4 per­cent sav­ings. Tiggett said the school dis­trict has an A1 credit score, which is a very good rat­ing. Along with that good news, the board passed a res­o­lu­tion to move for­ward to put the district’s emer­gency levy renewal on the March bal­lot. If that passes, it will gen­er­ate $835,000 annu­ally for five years.

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