For the third year in a row, Bryan got an Audi­tor of State award from State Audi­tor Dave Yost for hav­ing a per­fect audit.

Accord­ing to The Bryan Times, Yost’s office says that in order to be con­sid­ered a “clean” audit, the audit must be filed timely with the state auditor’s office in accor­dance with gen­er­ally accepted account­ing prin­ci­ples; can­not con­tain any find­ings for recov­ery, mate­r­ial cita­tions, mate­r­ial weak­nesses, sig­nif­i­cant defi­cien­cies, sin­gle audit find­ings or ques­tioned costs.

Offi­cials say the details behind an audit affect every area of the city, all depart­ments, every pur­chase order, every pay­roll check, every­thing is reviewed by the audi­tors, who have access to every paper and elec­tronic file in the clerk-treasurer’s office. They also review every con­tract; the min­utes from all meet­ings of city coun­cil and board of pub­lic affairs as well as res­o­lu­tions and ordi­nances.

In Bryan’s case, every­thing was per­fect accord­ing to the auditors.

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