Williams Commissioners Explore Storage Options

The Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers met this week, and decided to put a pro­posed equip­ment stor­age build­ing on hold for the time being, in order to give them a chance to dis­cuss other pos­si­ble stor­age options. Com­mis­sion­ers, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, said the owner of a stor­age build­ing they are rent­ing on North Beech Street may sell the build­ing, so now they are going over alter­na­tive stor­age options in the event that space may no longer be avail­able. One solu­tion dis­cussed was a sep­a­rate stor­age build­ing out­side the county’s East Annex on East High Street, how­ever it was agreed that solu­tion wouldn’t prob­a­bly be the best option because of weather and get­ting equip­ment in and out of the build­ing. A pro­posed new stor­age build­ing would be built on a county-owned lot on an alley­way between Beech and Lynn streets, just north of the for­mer sheriff’s office and jail on Bryan Street. Pre­lim­i­nary plans call for a 24-by-30 frame build­ing with 9-by-16 garage doors at an esti­mated cost of between $28,000 and $35,000.

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