Archbold Police Chief Suffers Stroke

A major shakeup in teh Arch­bold Police Force. Chief Joe Wyse is reported to be in sta­ble but crit­i­cal con­di­tion after suf­fer­ing a stroke on Tues­day. Wyse was first taken to the Ful­ton County Health Cen­ter, then trans­ferred by air ambu­lance to the Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­ical Cen­ter in Toledo, where as of last night, he remained in crit­i­cal but sta­ble con­di­tion. His doc­tors say it’s still too early to make a long term prog­no­sis for his recov­ery, but they do say that it is extremely rare for a per­son of his age and phys­i­cal con­di­tion to have a stroke. The Chief is a 1989 grad­u­ate of Arch­bold High School. His brother, Mayor Jim Wyse and Arch­bold Coun­cil Pres­i­dent Jeff Fry­man, have named Thom Ross as interim chief, an appoint­ment that is expected to be con­firmed by coun­cil on Monday.

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