Williams County Authorities Holding Back Information Surrounding Murder Investigation

Williams County author­i­ties have had very lit­tle to say and have released almost no infor­ma­tion over the past sev­eral days with regard to a mur­der inves­ti­ga­tion that is now under­way. Offi­cials in North Car­olina how­ever, have been more acco­mo­dat­ing. In High Point, North Car­olina, Fox 8 TV late yes­ter­day, reported that a per­son has been arrested in Surry County, North Car­olina who they say has a con­nec­tion to the mur­der back here in Williams County, and they say that per­son has even con­fessed. 22-year-old Bradley Gilbert of Mont­pe­lier was arrested Sun­day night in North Car­olina after he armed him­self with a machete, then a firearm, and then made threats, all after drink­ing heav­ily. Gilbert was taken to a hos­pi­tal for a men­tal eval­u­a­tion, and that’s when, dur­ing inter­views, that Gilbert said he had killed a man in Ohio shortly before com­ing to North Car­olina on Octo­ber 11th. Gilbert, accord­ing to the report on the North Car­olina tele­vi­sion sta­tion, admit­ted dur­ing an inter­view that he had killed a man in Mont­pe­lier and that the body could be found on a remote walk­ing trail, which it later was. Gilbert on Wednes­day, waived extra­di­tion and is expected to be sent back to Williams County from North Car­olina as soon as arrange­ments for his trans­fer can be made.

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