Fremont Woman Facing Drug Charges

A Fre­mont woman who already had a war­rant out for her arrest on three drug charges stem­ming back to inci­dents that hap­pened in Novem­ber of 2011 appeared for an ini­tial hear­ing on Tues­day. 45-year-old Kris­tine Bisel is fac­ing felony charges for Deal­ing Mar­i­juana and for Unlaw­ful Pos­ses­sion or Use of a Leg­end Drug or Pre­cur­sor and Main­tain­ing a Com­mon Nui­sance. Bisel’s bond was set at $35,000 with no ten per­cent allowed. A pre-trial con­fer­ence was sched­uled for Decem­ber 14th. Bisel’s arrest came fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion by Angola Police and the Steuben County Sheriff’s Depart­ment which started when a stu­dent was caught with a pill bot­tle and a wal­let that smelled of mar­i­juana. Inves­ti­ga­tors fol­lowed up with a search war­rant that was later exe­cuted at a home where author­i­ties say they found over 10 pounds of mar­i­juana, pre­scrip­tion pills and over $8,000 in cash.

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