Williams County Sheriff Weekend Arrests Listed

Williams County Sheriff’s Deputies made 2 arrests over the week­end. 28 year old Travis Rath of ALL-verton was charged with Dis­or­derly per­sist­ing while intox­i­cated and a pro­ba­tion vio­la­tion. Rath was taken to CCNO. In a seper­ate inci­dent, 25 year old Kara Jack­son of Edon was charged with one count of assault. She was also taken to CCNO. No addi­tional details have been released con­cern­ing either arrest. Williams County Sher­iffs Deputies also issued cita­tions to 2 seper­ate dri­vers fol­low­ing week­end acci­dents. 24 year old Jes­sica Whit­son was cited for assured clear dis­tance and fail­ure to obey a traf­fic con­trol device after a Fri­day after­noon crash. 56 year old Gary Hem­minger of Pio­neer, was cited for fail­ure to con­trol, exces­sive speed for con­di­tions, leav­ing the scene, and dri­ving under sus­pen­sion fol­low­ing a Fri­day accident.

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