Williams County Sheriff’s Office may be allowed to keep its satellite office at the county fairgrounds

It appears the Williams County Sheriff’s Office may be allowed to keep its satellite office at the county fairgrounds in Montpelier after all. Under an annual memorandum of understanding between the Williams County Commissioners and the county sheriff’s office, the one-story former fairgrounds caretaker’s house has been used by the sheriff’s department for the past two years. But commissioners had asked the sheriff to move out of the house by Jan. 31 to make way for the county Job and Family Services, which planned to use it for supervised child visitations. JFS currently uses a converted office inside its main office building in downtown Bryan, but officials say the caretaker’s house would offer more space and a more residential setting for families.

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Hicksville Council discusses pookl project.

Hicksville Village Council discussed its pending pool project during its recent regular meeting. Village Administrator …