The Williams County Fair board recently drew crit­i­cism from a national orga­ni­za­tion.

PETA (Peo­ple for the Eth­i­cal Treat­ment of Ani­mals) sent out let­ters as well as started a Face­book cam­paign ask­ing the fair board to can­cel ele­phant rides at the fair, claim­ing that Nosey the ele­phant has been mis­treated.

Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, the fair board received phone calls from PETA and those who have seen PETA’s mate­ri­als.

Fair offi­cials said that the board is not plan­ning on can­cel­ing the ele­phant rides as PETA requested. They counter that the ani­mal is being cared for and was get­ting fresh water and hosed down to keep cool dur­ing the above 90 degree tem­per­a­tures on Tues­day as well.

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