The Williams County Sheriff’s Office reports a sin­gle vehi­cle acci­dent hap­pened on State Route 49 when the dri­ver hit a deer.

Samuel Steffes of Edon was trav­el­ing north on the road when the deer jumped in front of his vehi­cle.

There was no word of any injuries of dam­age.

The Williams County Sheriff’s Office also reports an acci­dent Sat­ur­day on State Route 34 when a Chevy Sub­ur­ban dri­ven by Ryan Britt of Stryker was trav­el­ing east and ran off the road, into a ditch before com­ing to rest in a field.

It hap­pened just before 5am Sat­ur­day morn­ing. Britt was taken to the Bryan hos­pi­tal and also cited for oper­a­tion with­out rea­son­able control.

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