Wind KO’s Power

It’s windy out there, and those winds are wreak­ing havoc with elec­tric­ity in the area. Accord­ing to Toledo Edi­son, more than 1,500 cus­tomers lost power in the six-county area.

The power com­pany is report­ing this morn­ing that it was the high winds, which caused limbs to fall on lines, that brought about most of the prob­lems.

As of early yes­ter­day after­noon, more than 260 cus­tomers were in the dark in Defi­ance County, almost 500 in Williams County, more than 650 in Ful­ton County, and more than 150 in Henry County.

Accord­ing to power com­pany reps, a tree went down on a major line, caus­ing wide­spread out­ages. Scat­tered out­ages may still remain, how­ever, most cus­tomers should have their power back by now. If you still have no power, you should call your util­ity com­pany to report it.

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