CPC Women’s Health Resource’s 28th annual Steps for Life Walkathon was held last Sat­ur­day at the Defi­ance High School track.

More than 85 peo­ple came out to par­tic­i­pate, and more than $32,000 was raised to help with the expenses of the CPC’s coun­sel­ing cen­ters, ultra­sound clin­ics and STD test­ing sites.

The CPC reaches out to thou­sands each year with their free ser­vices, which include mate­r­ial assis­tance, par­ent­ing edu­ca­tion through the Earn While You Learn pro­gram, test­ing for preg­nancy, STD screen­ing, lim­ited obstet­ri­cal ultra­sound and Project Respect’s char­ac­ter edu­ca­tion pro­gram.

Walk­ers came from Defi­ance, Ful­ton, Henry, and Williams coun­ties, all with towns where the four CPC clin­ics are located.

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