At a spe­cial meet­ing Mon­day, the Antwerp Vil­lage Coun­cil approved twin liquor per­mits for the River Street Mar­ket in that com­mu­nity.

The owner of the for­mer IGA in the vil­lage told coun­cil that the mar­ket had yet to make a profit. So… in order to cor­rect that sit­u­a­tion, he is bring­ing in lot­tery machines and a rotis­serie. He had pre­vi­ously requested that coun­cil okay per­mits for the sale of beer and wine.

At Monday’s meet­ing, Coun­cil approved the trans­fer of liquor per­mits from dif­fer­ent juris­dic­tions.

The per­mits how­ever, do not allow cus­tomers to con­sume alco­holic pur­chases on the premises.

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