Defi­ance County com­mis­sion­ers got some updates at their meet­ing on Mon­day on road and land­fill mat­ters.

Com­mis­sion­ers were told that Weber Road has reopened after being closed for a bridge replace­ment.

County crews con­structed geosyn­thetic rein­forced soil abut­ments with recy­cled steel beams and con­crete deck. The steel beams were orig­i­nally part of a bridge over Mud Creek on The Bend Road.

The total cost for that project was $80,036.71.

Crews are work­ing now on cul­vert replace­ment projects and tree removal along the road­ways through the win­ter months, so that they are pre­pared to plow snow and salt the road­ways as needed.

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