Angola Man Jailed Following Dog Shooting In Home Invasion

An Angola man is behind bars on $1 mil­lion bond after he allegedly exchanged gun­fire with an off duty Kendal­lville Police offi­cer and killed a fam­ily dog dur­ing a home inva­sion in DeKalb County Tues­day night. 21-year-old Tyler Gaiski was charged Thurs­day after­noon with attempted mur­der, bur­glary and tor­tur­ing or muti­lat­ing an ani­mal. He pleaded not guilty, and so a pre-trial con­fer­ence has been sched­uled for Novem­ber 23rd. Kendal­lville Police say 14-year depart­ment vet­eran, Sergeant Michael McCann, who was off duty at the time, was involved in the Tues­day night shoot­ing inci­dent while he inves­ti­gated a bur­glary at a neighbor’s home that he was asked to check on by the prop­erty owner who was not home at the time. McCann is on paid admin­is­tra­tive while the shoot­ing is investigated.

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